
What is Below the Shallow?

Below the Shallow is my blog. Here you can read my thoughts and ideas. I write essays, short stories, and books about topics I find interesting, such as society, mental health, and responsibility.

Who am I?

My name is Aaron McCarter and I’m a questioner in search of truth. Born in a life of ease and comfort, it took me years to begin to wake up. I don’t have all the right questions (or answers), but I am doing my best to discover and share them.

What is my mission?

I want to awaken the consciousness of other individuals. I do this by learning truth and conveying it through my words and deeds. I hope this endeavor uplifts the souls of humanity and contributes to a better world.

How did Below the Shallow begin?

Below the Shallow began in 2018 as the result of years of searching. After being unable to find a platform of personal and profound prose, I decided to create one myself. The title appeared in my mind after pondering in my journal.

How can you support my mission?

You can share my writing, purchase my book, subscribe, and/or donate.



What is Below the Shallow?

Below the Shallow is my blog. Here you can read my thoughts and ideas. I write essays, short stories, and books about topics I find interesting, such as society, mental health, and responsibility.

Who am I?

My name is Aaron McCarter and I’m a questioner in search of truth. Born in a life of ease and comfort, it took me years to begin to wake up. I don’t have all the right questions (or answers), but I am doing my best to discover and share them.

What is my mission?

I want to awaken the consciousness of other individuals. I do this by learning truth and conveying it through my words and deeds. I hope this endeavor uplifts the souls of humanity and contributes to a better world.

How did Below the Shallow begin?

Below the Shallow began in 2018 as the result of years of searching. After being unable to find a platform of personal and profound prose, I decided to create one myself. The title appeared in my mind after pondering in my journal.

How can you support my mission?

You can share my writing, purchase my book, subscribe, and/or donate.
